Thursday, July 14, 2005

I don't feel as if I had experienced anything lately that would merit an entry, yet I force myself to write. Aches and pains were with me today in my back and my legs. Being able to quoat 405lbs. is a nice thing, but at what cost does it come? I went to my grandparents today for a while, surfing the 'net and realizing all the things I want to buy. Around 5 o'clock my mother came. We went to Wal-Mart for a few things before going to my dad's to get the notarized statement. I was there for longer than I planned, but I didn't talk to my dad much. Most of my time there was spent with Jared. So Cancun comes Saturday. Most of my stuff for the trip is ready, but I haven't really been thinking about it. I haven't been thinking about anyone/thing lately. Strangely, Amanda hasn't occupied my thoughts at all. I wonder if it has anything to do with the instant messenger conversation on the eighth. Perhaps my mond took in the situation and adapted accordingly.


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