It was a rather boring day today. I slept in a little too much this morning, which caused me to miss football practice, but according to Diehl, I didn't miss much. I spent most of the day watching t.v., and in the afternoon I watched Jerry Maguire. I did manage to find an old tape of Berwick's '88 state championship game, which incedentily had my coach on it. Something to show him I suppose. I think I shall go see Amanda while she is working this weekend. I don't plan on teller her, I just want to keep it to some flirting and judge her responses. I proabably should call her on Friday, as well. I'm thinking next weekend would be a good time, after testing the waters this Saturday. We're still poor. Mom brought home hotdogs and chips from AAA for dinner. WE went to Mom-mom and Pop's house tonight for a bit. After not being there for awhile, it felt good to be back. I watched a little bit of Coach Carter with Mom-mom and talked some politics with Pop. I surfed the net for a bit, checking up on my horoscope. Apparently, next weekend is soing to be good for romance, a good sign.
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